Cade-y the clock strikes midnight tonight, your birthday officially begins. Not that it really matters because we've been celebrating for two days straight...but in about 30 minutes I can no longer say I have a three year old son. Nope...I have a 4 year old. Wow. Kind of blows me away. 4. It's so...not a baby anymore. Not even a toddler really. 4. Really. 4.
So here we annual list of the things I like MOST about you {currently} ;)
First I want you to know that your kind heart - and what appears to already be a heart for God is such a blessing to me. When I explain to you hard to understand, biblically based concepts about why we should have a generous and compassionate heart, you seem to (mostly) get it and adjust your actions accordingly. Of course we aren't 100% there, but it's amazing, really. You seem to grasp things beyond your years and honestly, that's super helpful to me. I'm not great at lowering expectations...I kind expect you to get it all right away and that's my fault. But you really do get a lot. and I love that. And the fact that you told me you were willing to "stay 3" because I wanted you to stay my baby forever melts my heart. You told me that you really wanted to turn 4, but you agreed to stay 3 for me. If only I could make that reality...but then I would miss out on watching you turn into the man God has called you to be. And I wouldn't dare miss that.
I also super, super love that you are willing to try things...over and over...even though we already know you don't like them. I call it the "pickles and tomato" theory. Your brother (ie: your best friend) LOVES pickles and tomatoes. Loves them. You...not so much. And I can totally deal with that as I have an aversion to tomatoes myself. There's a great story to accompany that. Ask YaYa. I digress. SO, the rule I've always had for you is that we have to try things...and if it goes in our mouth it doesn't come back out. You don't have to eat it again if you really don't like it, but we will try. And we did. Tomatoes. Pickles. Negative on both. I could easily recognize the strained look on your face as it went down. I totally get it. But your try to put on a smile and say "mmm, good". To which I reply "do you want more"? But your response it a sweet " thanks". This is all very normal...cute, but expected. What I didn't expect was all the subsequent times we would re-live this same encounter. Because Cole likes them. And for whatever reason, you feel like you should too. So you try. Again and again. And every time, your eyes squint and the corners of your mouth turn down...and then your try to put on that smile. Like you keep thinking 'maybe this time it will be better'. Do you have any idea how awesome that is? You didn't get that from me. I'm a one and done kind girl. If I don't like it the first time, I'm out. But your way is so much better. You just want to give it a fair make sure your not missing out on anything worthwhile. It will server you well in life. Pickles and tomatoes baby.
I love that you are determined and capable. When we talked about you going to school, I gave you a long list of things you needed to accomplish before you would be allowed to go. I figured we had plenty of time, so I'd shoot for the stars. Make your own bed (everyday), clean your room, feed the dog, and wipe your own bottom. Yes, I actually wrote that. So I showed you how to make your bed...the way mama like it. And Mama likes neat ;). It took a couple weeks, but man are you great at it. And not only do you make your make it about 3 times a day. When you wake up in the morning, before nap, and after nap. Yes. Before nap. Because you totally buy into my thinking that a nicely made bed is more comfortable. It is. Don't let anyone tell your differently. But the kicker is that I look at the monitor in the morning and you've already been up..clearly...because your bed is nicely made and you've slipped back in...neatly under the covers (as not to mess it up), where you wait quietly for me to come get you. You make me laugh. And you are totally MY kid. You also made quick work of the other items on my "go to school" list. Thanks for the bottom wiping too...way to help a mama out...but I'm pretty sure it's because you are a mini me. You like order. You like things clearly laid out. I gave you set parameters and something to work towards. When someone asks you to do something you get it done. You got that from me too...just like your {dis}taste for tomatoes.
Cade, you are an amazing, energetic, enthusiastic, smart, talented, sweet, handsome boy. My heart overflows with love for you. Watching you (and your brother) grow is the biggest joy in my life. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE you so much...and more than that!