Sunday, December 27, 2009


So it came and went in all it's splendor. Christmas was spectacular this year. I mean it's great every year of course, but this year was special. This year was "white". This year we were a family of four and therefore much more "real" in my mind. I grew up in a family of four. So did Steve. So somehow this felt more grown up to me. I can't really explain it, but it was there.

We played in the snow. I baked brownies. We had a great family dinner. The boys got their matching Christmas pajamas just as my sister and I use to.

I tried to take perfectly posed pictures - you can judge for yourself how that went...

It has been quite a year for the Tedesco branch of the Hiltpold tree. There have been 2 babies, a bout with cancer, 2 extensive hospital stays, work woes and of course everyday challenges. 2009 has been one for the books. We are looking forward to everything 2010 has to offer. I selfishly pray that maybe it doesn't stretch us quite as much as 2009 - but whatever God has planned we will do our best to take on with grace.
Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. May you all feel as blessed as we do.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


What a delightful suprise. This Christmas eve brought us unexpected snow and a white Christmas! This also meant that because of the hazardous driving condtions, Yaya and Papa came to spend the night with us (as not to miss Christmas morning). We had the best time enjoying the "frightful" weather and building our first snowman. Mom and dad seemed to be a little more excited than Cade, but that's to be expected since he went tumbling face first into the snow within he first 10 seconds he was out there.
Dad braved the cold for well over 30 minutes all alone building the snowman while mom, Cade, Yaya and Papa cheered him on from the warmth of the fire inside. Cade had his first hot chocolate and we all had a great time! Who could have asked for anything better?

Dancing KING

OK, so the song isn't perfect, but work with me here.
Lately Cade has taken to dancing. He dances whenever he hears music - and sometimes when he doesn't. He'll dance anywhere. Anytime. Even on command. It's darling. He's darling. And I had to share - because soon enough this too will end whether I want it to or not. We started with the simple "hip shake", but about a week ago he added the "arm swing". Not sure if it can get much cuter, but I'll let you know.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

He's Here!

In the very early morning hours of Oct. 22, 2009, Steve and I welcomed our second baby boy - Colten Michael Hiltpold!!! The story goes like this...
I had been oh so antsy for WEEKS waiting for Cole to arrive. I had been dilated for over a month and quite honestly I was annoyed that I had 2 weeks left until I was actually due. The morning of Oct. 21st, we had a brunch at the hospital (where Amy is unfortunately spending her time these days). About noon, our Dr. came in to check on her and I mentioned that I was really ready to have him - and even asked if she might break my water at my appointment the next day. I also mentioned to her that I would really like to have him that day (Oct. 21st) seeing as it was 10 years ago that day that Steve and I met. She just laughed and said that I had 12 hours left in the day and she would be happy to deliver him.
I headed home, played with Cade, vacuumed, picked up - the usual. About 4:30 I had a contraction - not uncommon. I noted the time just in case - although I had been 'noting times' for a month to no avail. About 8 minutes later I had another...and 11 after that one more. This went on for about an hour. I felt good otherwise and the contractions didn't really hurt, so I wasn't too concerned. Steve and I had plans to go to the movies - and that's where I figured we would end up for the night.

At 5:30, Steve called. He was on his way home and stuck in traffic. I decided not to worry him since I wasn't really sure I was in labor. I figured I would just wait until he got home and would be more sure then. I called Mom and told her that I wasn't sure what would happen, but if she wanted to take a shower or something to go ahead...while I was on the phone with her, the contractions went from 8-10 minutes apart to 4 minutes apart...uh oh.

So now I'm pretty sure I'm in labor and I needed to tell Karyn. She was fixing dinner for Cade, but I really had something more pressing - I had to change the sheets on my bed. Don't ask - I'm just a freak like that. So contractions are 4 minutes apart, Steve isn't home yet and We're trying to change bed linens...seems normal to me.

Steve got home about 6:15. I said "Hi, change clothes we've got to go". And he said "To the movies?" and I said "no, the hospital" and no lie...he says "for what?" Oh my dear sweet husband. I love you!

So we get in the car, swing through Whataburger and head to the hospital. When we get there, my doctor just happens to be there with her partner Dr. Walters. She said "what are you doing here?" I said "well, I think I'm in labor, so I thought I'd stop by". Dr. Walters evidently said to her "She doesn't look like she's in labor." My Dr's response - "No, that's just how she is." Not sure what that even means.

They take me to triage where they check you, monitor you for an hour, check you again and if you have made progress, they admit you. On my first check, I was 6 cm dilated, 90% they skipped the rest and admitted me. By this time, it's 7 o'clock and the last thing I want to do is have a baby at 11:55 and have that count as my first night in the hospital so I ask my Dr. if we could drag this out until after midnight (ie: no pitossin). She said "Not if you want me to deliver him. I'm breaking your water and you're having him tonight." OK then.

So right away I'm asking for my epidural because by this time the contractions hurt and I can't talk when I'm having one...every 3-4 minutes. They tell me that I have to have my labs run, anti-nausea medicine and 2 bags of fluid first...geez, we better get a move on because that seems like it could take a while...and it did! 2 hours later I'm still waiting and when I ask where the anesthesiologist is - they say "he's doing a c-section."...Awesome.

So finally I get the epidural which is great - at least on one side. I can still feel every contraction on my left side even though my right side is so numb I can't move that leg. But hey - it's better than it was and it's the best I've got so here we

So there appears to be a slight issue that my son is in the wrong position. He's belly up (instead of down) and has his head flexed all the way back - so he's coming out face first! Now, it becomes apparent to me by all the extra people in the room that this is a reasonably big deal. It also comes to light that I could be having a C-section if I can't push him out. Although they seem to think it might take 2-3 hours of pushing to determine this...what the????

So we start to push around 11. But then we stop - because my Dr. is doing ANOTHER C-section...good lord! So we start again around 11:55. Ah ha! I DID make it past midnight!! 45 minutes later - at 12:39 in the morning, he popped out. And I mean that literally. In fact, it was one big push and he popped out so quickly that the Dr. wasn't ready and everyone was yelling "stop - don't push!" Seriously?!?

So he was bruised and battered and really unhappy. The swelling was rally bad. He couldn't open his poor eyes for 24 hours. But they had warned us that face first babies (which evidently are not very common) have this and that he would heal up nicely in a week or so. He did. He's a delight through and though. Just as sweet and good tempered as C1. All we could have hoped for. It was a rough start, but totally worth it. We can't wait to share him with you all.
Welcome baby Cole!!

At Delivery

24 hours after delivery

What a difference a week makes

Monday, October 12, 2009


So this is my first and hopefully one of my only blogs ever that will not be accompanied by a single picture or video! Here's what's going on and my excuses for not being better about updating the blog...

Steve has been busy with work and on the road a LOT - which leaves me to handle everyday life around here by myself for the most part.

Cade is getting HUGE (for those of you who have seen him). His very curly blond hair is long and out of control and I'm in LOVE with it!

About 2 weeks ago I went to the Dr. for my 34 week check up and to our surprise I was dilated to 2cm. We made the trip to Houston to celebrate with family Maddy's upcoming wedding and thankfully made it through the weekend with no baby.

This past Thursday at my 36 week check up, I was dilated to 3cm and 60% effaced. The doctor "guesstimated" that I wouldn't make it 2 more weeks.

Sunday I spend the day at the hospital with my sister who is only 26 1/2 weeks pregnant. She has placenta previa and started bleeding. While the bleeding stopped, the condition does not look like it will clear up on it's own. Monday morning the bleeding started again and it looks as though my sweet sister and best friend will be spending the remainder of the pregnancy in the hospital. This is a tough pill to swallow as her three babies at home already miss their mommy. We are all trying to make plans and shuffle schedules so this blip on the radar of our life is as manageable for everyone as possible. Oh - and did I mention that the swine flu is trying to take us all down...never surrender!

So right now, I'm trying NOT to go into labor so we can get some details ironed out on that side. Oh - and because my husband will be out of town Tuesday and Wednesday. Gotta love that! Prayers are appreciated. We'll make it through - we're tough. And we've got lots of great support.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Boys at Play

Yesterday was a fun lazy day. We didn't have anywhere we needed to be or things we needed to do. Just a day at home...together. Steve and C where running around and making a lot of noise and I wasn't really paying attention to what the game at hand was - but when I tuned in, this is what was happening. Now keep in mind this went on for a long while before I ever got the camera out and ended only because Daddy got tired. Can you guess what time of day this was? 5:30-ish anyone???? Check your mouth about 1/2 way through this know you're smiling. How can you not? I also especially like how he gives me a courtesy acknowledgement on every other "pass".
These days are fleeting. May we treasure and remember them.

Monday, July 20, 2009


So ever since the fourth of July, I've noticed some changes in C that are difficult for me to handle. That trip was a challenging one. He was moody and clingy and cranky. I blamed it on the circumstances and assumed it would return to "normal" when we got home. Now don't get me wrong - it has gotten better over the past couple weeks, but we've been struggling with attachment issues and teething and now a cold. It's just been hard. And I've been tired. And my rope is short. And I'm feeling big and pregnant and missing my husband - who seems to be travelling 100% of the time instead of 50%. It's just a lot.
So Friday and Saturday Steve and I went to a conference and our good photog friend Amber was gracious enough to sit for us. Part of me was happy to get a break for a few hours, but mostly I was sad to be away from C for multiple hours 2 days in a row. Even though it's been a hard couple of weeks, he's still my munchkin and my heart aches when I'm away from him.
So the thing I love best about Amber and her camera is how her lens sees him the way I see him. How she catches the cute stuff he does when he and I are here alone all day together. The stuff I WANT everyone else to see, but most people don't get the chance to. These pictures were a great suprise to me. I didn't know she took them. They weren't planned. And choosing just a few was nearly impossible. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Loosen up

OK, so I've been accused on occasion (by people who shall remain unnamed) as being uptight. In fact - just yesterday I was accused of getting "wound tighter and tighter by the day". I like to think I'm Organized. A Planner. Clean. Orderly. Heck, I don't even mind being called borderline OCD. But uptight??? Please!!
To all you people who fly willy nilly through life - playing in the mud, letting a one year old feed themselves applesauce with a spoon, having a "loose" nap schedule etc... I say to you - I am not (that) uptight. See for yourself.

Ok, yes, I stripped him down first. And yes, it was bath night. And yes, I was having heart palpitations...but I did it. I survived...and he had such a yummy fun time! And for the record - this picture does NOT do the mess was WAY saucier!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Party Time

Sunday we celebrated Cade's
1st birthday. What a day! There
were horses, a clown, a face
painter, a pinata, hot dogs,
cupcakes, friends, family and
lots of fun!

Oh how time flies. I can't believe a whole year has passed. I can't believe you are so big. So smart. So handsome. So smiley. So easy going. So everything I never knew I needed. I'm just so in love.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day of Fun

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby

When I was younger, I remember mom saying at some point on my birthday every year..."lets see, at this time xx years ago I was..."
I understand this phenomenon more now. I guess as a mom that is one of those days that never really starts to fade from your memory. I mean - for me, it's only been a year, but I remember it with the clarity of yesterday. It was probably the ultimate life changing day that I've had to this point. It was wonderful and fun and full of joy and love and I wish I could re-live it often.
I can't believe it's been a whole year since you came into to my life - forever altering it in unimaginable ways. You have brought me joy (and personal challenges) beyond words and I can't imagine a world without you. You are the light of my life. You are growing up so quickly. I really wish you would stay my baby forever, but that seems unlikely so we'll just go with it. I love watching you grow and learn every day. There are no words to express how happy I am to be your Mommy. You are my perfect angel. Whatever did I do to deserve such a gift?
Happy Birthday Son. I love you always and forever no matter what!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Here they are...

Vacation - part 2

Vaca video

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


OK, so because I'm still too tired from the vacation to write a whole blog about the vacation...
We'll just say it was a memorable adventure =)

Monday, March 23, 2009

boys on a slide

Not that it needs a lot of explanation...we went to the park and Truman didn't want to be left out. He followed them up the stairs then right on down. Too cute not to share.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


So as far as friends go, I hit the jackpot about a year and a half ago or so...
I won't go into the story of how she came into our lives, but she did. She's sweet and kind and thoughful and loving and above all, she loves my family and she loves my kid(s). Oh - and did I mention that she's a professional photographer. So if you happen to read Amy's blog as well, you'll see a similar post from this same splendid day when sweet Amber took pics of our kiddos. Cade's 9 month pics and Em's 1 year. Words can't express how happy it makes me that she captures him. His moods, his faces, his personality. She loves him and it shows in every picture she takes. Not a million thanks would be enough. How can I ever repay for these treasures she give us?

Sunday, January 11, 2009


My precious son,
I've been thinking a lot about you lately. I mean - of course I think about you almost constantly, but I've been thinking on broader scale maybe. Now I'm sure that my feelings for you are not all that different from every other mother out there, but they are are different for me. Different because I have loved before, but never like this. I have been thankful before, but never like this. I have been in awe before - but never like this...never until you.
You are amazing to me. How happy you are. How genuine your smile. How your eyes shine. The way you squeal with delight at the mere sight of Truman. The way you cry when you see me after I've been away from you. (YaYa says it's not an "I'm unhappy to see you" cry, but more of an "I missed you so much" cry).
I love the fact that you get tired and lay your head on my shoulder. I love that for the most part you trust me when I say it's nap time and go right to sleep. I love that you look so flippin' cute in your little hats. I love that you love to be in your sling and that everyone we see comments on it when I "wear" you out. I love every hair on your head and every breath that you take. Sometimes I feel like you are the reason my heart keeps beating.
You are learning new "tricks" every day. You'll be crawling in a few days. You're trying to talk. We're working on our sign language. And then there's this...

So the story behind this video goes like have this habit of leaning forward when you eat and it makes it hard for me to see your mouth - and therefore get the food INTO it. So I started telling you "back" and trying to get you to set back against the seat so I could get a better angle at your mouth. After a couple of days, you obviously caught on because this is what happens when I say "back" now. I'm going to have to put a pillow back there so you don't get dain bramage.

I love you punks - Mommy