Friday, October 22, 2010

Birthday Baby

Oh Coco-nut. I can't believe you're 1!!! My sweet, quite, not quite brooding - but always analyzing, serious, snuggley, kissy-face boy.

From the moment you entered the world you were very different from your brother. Your birth was an experience - face first and sunny side up. We had a room full of medical onlookers amazed at the position you had gotten yourself into and curious to see how you were going to make your way out. You were tough from the start. Battered and bruised in heartbreaking fashion. But still perfect. You were a tough nut to crack for me. It took me a while to figure you out, but once we hit our stride, we never looked back.
You are adored by your big brother. Cherished by your Mommy. Treasured by you Daddy. You have a HUGE fan in miss E and a built in bestie in baby Z. You, my sweet, are LOVED.
This year has been a whirlwind - with highlights including tiny baby casts and a summer living abroad. None of it phased you. Not in the slightest. As long as you had Cade - and the occasional nap - you were good.

There are no words to express how much love my heart holds for you. Snuggling with you is one of my all time favorite past times. You are maybe the single most kissing baby I've ever encountered and I love every single one. You are a treasure. You are a pleasure.
Happy birthday baby boy. I can't believe you're one already. I may have already said that, but it's true. This year I'm wishing on your candle and I'm wishing for time to slow down! I just can't seem to hold on to these baby years tight enough. Remember - Mommy love you most...and more than that.


Sharley said...

WOW....what lovely heartfelt words. Don't think I could ever put it quite that way. It rings so true. Bravo Mommy! Love....

hanabana said...

awww hes so cute!!