So ever since the fourth of July, I've noticed some changes in C that are difficult for me to handle. That trip was a challenging one. He was moody and clingy and cranky. I blamed it on the circumstances and assumed it would return to "normal" when we got home. Now don't get me wrong - it has gotten better over the past couple weeks, but we've been struggling with attachment issues and teething and now a cold. It's just been hard. And I've been tired. And my rope is short. And I'm feeling big and pregnant and missing my husband - who seems to be travelling 100% of the time instead of 50%. It's just a lot.
So Friday and Saturday Steve and I went to a conference and our good photog friend Amber was gracious enough to sit for us. Part of me was happy to get a break for a few hours, but mostly I was sad to be away from C for multiple hours 2 days in a row. Even though it's been a hard couple of weeks, he's still my munchkin and my heart aches when I'm away from him.
So the thing I love best about Amber and her camera is how her lens sees him the way I see him. How she catches the cute stuff he does when he and I are here alone all day together. The stuff I WANT everyone else to see, but most people don't get the chance to. These pictures were a great suprise to me. I didn't know she took them. They weren't planned. And choosing just a few was nearly impossible. Enjoy!
aww, he's scrumptious. love, love.
and- thank you.
Adorable and he is getting so big!
love his eyes and he is adorable and he is so big know
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