Friday, December 31, 2010

A Very Merry

Christmas seemed crazier this year.  Not bad crazy.  Good crazy.  I think.  Give me some time to meditate on it...maybe over a massage.  I'll get back to you.
Regardless of the crazy level, It's definitely more fun with all the mini people in the family.  There are too many photo ops to catch them all, but I'm trying.  Christmas Eve, the E clan came over for the traditional Christmas Eve dinner of pizza followed by a smashing rendition of "The Night Before Christmas" by the head Papa himself.  Christmas morning was (of course) bacon sandwiches, presents and a little whining.  After naps we made our way over the the E house for lunch, flag football and more presents.  What a perfect day.  

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jingle in the Trunk

So we don't get to have too many "adult" parties these days.  Last night we celebrated YaYa and PaPa's birthdays at their house.  In an effort to entertain the troops, ZuZu and I raided the "minute to win it"  archive of games and came up with a winner.  Welcome to "Jingle in the Trunk".  If you haven't seen this one on TV,  it's a tissue box filled with 12 jingle bells, tied around your waist.  You have up to 1 minute to jump and shake those bells out.  I'm not sure who had more fun - us or the kids.  You don't quite get the full effect with still shots, but it was hilarious.  We also decorated gingerbread men and enjoyed homemade hot chocolate and homemade marshmallows.  If you've never had homemade marshmallows, your missing out.  They are totally worth it - nothing like the store bought ones. 
The picture taking ended abruptly when I dropped my camera and broke my only lens.  Not to worry - my favorite husband gave me the best early Christmas present when we got home...a new 50mm lens.  I'm totally in love with it and Christmas morning will now be saved!
Only one more week until Santa comes and there are some very excited boys in our house.  I sure hope it lives up to their expectations.  I have loved all of the fun things we've been doing this year leading up to the celebration of our Savior's birth.  Thanks Jesus for being born and giving us the best excuse to rock it out and celebrate! And Happy Birthday to my awesome P's.  We love you so much!

Friday, December 10, 2010


So if you haven't noticed - I'm on a slide show kick.  It's actually kind of convenient because I can stream them, music and all, to play on my TV.  It also allows me to post all the pics instead of choosing which ones to email.  Whatever - I don't know why I'm justifying myself to you people ;)  You don't have to enjoy them, but we do so here's another one.  
We took the beautiful Miss Em with us to Jump Zone this morning because baby Z had tubes put in his ears.  We had a  great time - despite the unbelievably rude kids (and moms)...who raises these hooligans?  I can't tell you how fun it is to see them coming down the slides over and over with those huge smiles on their faces.  Never gets old.  C2 loved it too, although he's thoroughly annoyed that he can't get right up there with the big 'uns.  Big thanks to KK who helped me wrangle all three so I could get so many pictures.  A - Next time you're coming too ;)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pancakes with Santa

So this past weekend we got to combine 4 of Cade's absolute favorite things...The Fire station, Helicopters, Santa and PANCAKES!!! OK, so he's not actually that hot on Santa, but He's growing on him.
The Grapevine Fire Department hosts an annual pancake breakfast with Santa wherein the Big Guy arrives by helicopter along with the Mrs, his top reindeer and his good friend Frosty. After breakfast, you can wait in line to meet them...Rudolph is first, then Mrs. Claus, Frosty, then Santa. We only made it to Rudolph...
Regardless, we had a great time and can't wait until next year.

Friday, December 3, 2010

On the Move

So, after months of casts, reverse last shoes, and 3-ish months where he wasn't even allowed to play on the floor (thank you London), C2 if officially a walker now. I was happy to keep him among the land of the crawlers - but nooooo. For some reason, both my boys feel the need to go and grow up on me. Way to go baby boy. Oh - and please pay no attention to the annoying girl in the pink sweater. We just cant seem to get her to shut up!

And I finally put together some pics from thanksgiving. Thanks C & T for hosting. It was a great time!