Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dancing KING

OK, so the song isn't perfect, but work with me here.
Lately Cade has taken to dancing. He dances whenever he hears music - and sometimes when he doesn't. He'll dance anywhere. Anytime. Even on command. It's darling. He's darling. And I had to share - because soon enough this too will end whether I want it to or not. We started with the simple "hip shake", but about a week ago he added the "arm swing". Not sure if it can get much cuter, but I'll let you know.


Sharley said...

ha ha, what was the toosh rub at the end on the chair? So cute!

Angie said...

why haven't I seen this blog before today? Officially obsessed with the cuteness of your kids!!! That arm swing!!!

Molly said...

Thanks guys. I'm kind of obsessed with them too - but then again, I guess that's my job. Glad it made you smile!