Friday, December 31, 2010

A Very Merry

Christmas seemed crazier this year.  Not bad crazy.  Good crazy.  I think.  Give me some time to meditate on it...maybe over a massage.  I'll get back to you.
Regardless of the crazy level, It's definitely more fun with all the mini people in the family.  There are too many photo ops to catch them all, but I'm trying.  Christmas Eve, the E clan came over for the traditional Christmas Eve dinner of pizza followed by a smashing rendition of "The Night Before Christmas" by the head Papa himself.  Christmas morning was (of course) bacon sandwiches, presents and a little whining.  After naps we made our way over the the E house for lunch, flag football and more presents.  What a perfect day.  


Sharley said... fun to watch! I especially love the camping chair, cowboy boots, and cowboy hat pictures. The adult flag football pictures are also priceless. Looks like a lot of fun. Happy New Year to you all.....luv, Sharley

Tiffany Hiltpold said...

Cole has grown a foot since we were there!!! What big boys you have. said...

I am SOOOO THANKFUL you are doing this!!! It will become more priceless as time goes me on this one!

hanabana said...

cute!!!!!miss you